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The Difference Between Polyamory and an Open Relationship

The difference between poly and an open relationship

In recent years, alternative forms of relationships have gained more prominence and acceptance in society. Two such non-traditional relationship styles are polyamory and open relationships. While the terms polyamory and open relationships are often used interchangeably, they are actually different in several ways. This article aims to explore and highlight the distinctions between these two relationship dynamics.

The Meaning of Polyamory

Polyamory can be defined as the practice of having multiple romantic relationships simultaneously with the knowledge and consent of all individuals involved. It is built on the principle of ethical non-monogamy, emphasizing transparency, communication, and consent between all partners.

Polyamorous relationships can take various shapes, such as a triad (three people in a committed relationship), a quad (four people in a committed relationship), or even larger networks of interconnected relationships. In polyamory, the focus is not only on sexual connections but also on emotional and romantic connections.

Key Characteristics of Polyamory

  1. Consent and Communication: Communication is key in polyamorous relationships. All individuals involved must be aware of and give consent for the relationships to work. Honest and open dialogue is crucial for establishing boundaries and addressing any concerns that may arise.

  2. Multiple Romantic Connections: Polyamory involves having multiple romantic relationships at the same time. These relationships can be deep and meaningful, with individuals being emotionally invested in their partners.

  3. Long-Term Commitment: Polyamorous relationships can be long-term commitments, with individuals choosing to form enduring bonds with multiple partners. It is not merely about casual encounters or short-term flings.

The Meaning of Open Relationships

An open relationship, on the other hand, refers to a non-monogamous arrangement where individuals in a primary partnership may engage in sexual or romantic relationships with others independently. In an open relationship, there is typically a primary partnership that serves as the foundation, while additional connections are more focused on physical or sexual aspects rather than an emotional bond.

Key Characteristics of Open Relationships

  1. Primacy of the Primary Partnership: Open relationships are often characterized by a primary partnership that takes precedence over any additional relationships. The primary partnership is the central focus, with other connections being secondary and primarily based on physical or sexual attraction.

  2. Emphasis on Sexual Freedom: Open relationships prioritize sexual freedom and exploration while maintaining a level of commitment to the primary partnership. This allows individuals to find causal hookup outside of the primary relationship without jeopardizing the emotional bond between the primary partners.

  3. Relaxed Boundaries: Open relationships are flexible in terms of boundaries and agreements between partners. The extent to which individuals can pursue other relationships can range from occasional casual encounters to having regular and ongoing connections.

The Differences Between Polyamory and Open Relationships

  1. Emotional Connection: Polyamory emphasizes emotional connections and the development of multiple loving relationships, whereas open relationships tend to prioritize sexual connections over emotional bonds.

  2. Level of Commitment: Polyamorous relationships are often long-term commitments with individuals invested in multiple romantic relationships on a deeper level. Open relationships, on the other hand, primarily focus on the primary partnership while allowing for additional sexual or physical connections.

  3. Boundaries and Communication: While both dynamics require communication and consent, polyamorous relationships tend to have more explicit and structured boundaries due to the complexity of managing multiple romantic relationships. Open relationships typically have more relaxed boundaries and may require less extensive communication about additional connections.

  4. Primary Partnership: Open relationships have a central primary partnership that serves as the foundation, while in polyamory, each relationship can be considered primary, with equal emphasis placed on all connections.

  5. Intentions and Expectations: Polyamory often involves individuals seeking multiple committed emotional and romantic connections, whereas open relationships may be more focused on sexual exploration and freedom while maintaining the emotional bond in the primary partnership.


Although polyamory and open relationships are both forms of non-monogamy, they are distinct relationship dynamics with unique characteristics. Polyamory emphasizes emotional connections, multiple romantic relationships, and long-term commitments, while open relationships prioritize sexual freedom, a primary partnership, and more relaxed boundaries. It is essential for individuals to understand these differences to consciously choose the relationship style that aligns with their preferences and values. With open communication and consent, both polyamory and open relationships can provide fulfilling and satisfying experiences for those involved.

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