Team of LoverDaily

Jun 29, 20235 min

10 Signs That He's in Love With Me

If you're in love with someone, you know it. And if you have a partner who loves you back, they'll do the little things that tell the world: "Hey! This is my person! Take note!" But how do you know whether or not someone's truly into you? Is your guy giving off signs he's really into your relationship? If so, here are 10 ways to tell that he loves being with you and wants to make it last forever:

How Do I Know He is Love With Me? Look at 10 Signs

1. He Makes Plans With You

If he's making plans with you, it means that he wants to spend time with you. He may be thinking of ways to make sure that he has a chance to see or talk to you as much as possible.

He might suggest things like going out for dinner, going on vacation together and even taking trips together in general. This shows that he likes being around you and wants more opportunities for doing so!

2. He Apologizes and Means It

Apologizing is a sign of maturity. It shows that he knows it's important to apologize, even when you know he didn't do anything wrong. Apologizing shows that he cares about your feelings, and will put in the effort to make things better if they go wrong.

When he apologizes, make sure to say thank you and accept his apology!

3. He's Not Afraid To Be Open About His Feelings

If your guy isn't open about his feelings, it means he's not in love with you. He should be able to talk about his feelings openly and honestly. If he can't, then there's a problem--and that problem is not "he doesn't love me."

Openness is an important part of any relationship; if two people can't communicate their needs and wants with each other, then there won't be much room for growth in their relationship as a whole. The same goes for being willing to share what makes them happy or sad (or even angry). If your guy isn't willing to talk about these things with you, then again: it's not because he doesn't have feelings for you!

4. He Doesn't Try To Control How You Feel About Him

If he's in love with you, he won't try to control how you feel about him. He respects your feelings and doesn't try to manipulate them. A man who is truly in love will not only be honest with his own emotions but also respect yours.

If a guy is trying too hard to win over your heart and impress you, it could mean that he's not being genuine or open about how he feels toward someone else--or even himself! In other words, when a guy isn't willing or able (or both) to share what's going on inside of him when it comes down to matters of the might just mean that he has no idea what those feelings actually are yet because they haven't been explored by anyone yet!

5. He Listens to What You're Really Saying

Listening is a sign of respect. It shows that you care about what the other person has to say and are interested in their point of view. When you're talking with someone, it's easy to get distracted by your own thoughts or daydreams instead of paying attention to what they're saying. This is especially true when you know them well--you may think you already know everything there is to know about them! But if he's in love with you, then he'll make an effort not only because it's the right thing but also because he wants his relationship with you as strong as possible.

6. He's More Interested In Your Life Than His Own

This is a sure sign of love. A man who loves you will want to hear about your life, and not just when he's trying to impress you. If he's interested in what you have to say, then it means that he cares about you as an individual.

A good listener is one of the most attractive qualities in a man because it shows him as being selfless and open-minded. He doesn't need attention all the time; instead, he wants his partner to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts with him without feeling judged or criticized for doing so (which can often happen).

7. He Sees Good in You Instead of Only Seeing Your Flaws

When a man truly loves you, he sees the good in you instead of only seeing your flaws. He doesn't focus on your weaknesses or mistakes; instead, he sees the strengths and abilities that make up your whole person. A man who loves you will look at both sides of the coin when it comes to your relationship: he knows what works but also what could be improved upon.

When someone really cares about someone else's well-being, they want them to succeed in life--not just their career but also personally and emotionally. That means not only helping someone out with work-related issues (if applicable), but also encouraging them when times get tough so they know there are people around them who love them regardless of how things may seem right now.

8. He Gives Compliments Out of Love Instead of Out of Guilt or Obligation

When a man is in love, he gives compliments out of love instead of guilt or obligation.

A real compliment comes from the heart and isn't given to make you feel obligated to do something in return like have sex with him or give him money (or whatever else it may be). A fake compliment has no meaning behind it; it's just said because someone wants something from you. For example: "You look beautiful today" could mean that he wants to sleep with you later on that night--it doesn't matter how much makeup or clothing style changes, if the person saying those words has ulterior motives behind them then those compliments won't mean anything!

9. He Respects Your Privacy and Boundaries Even When It Hurts Him

When you're in love, it's natural to want to spend as much time with your partner as possible. But if he respects your privacy and boundaries even when it hurts him, then he cares about more than just getting close to you physically.

This is a sign that he sees himself as an equal partner with mutual respect for each other's needs and wants--and that can only mean one thing: true love!

10. He's a Leader, Not a Pedestrian.

He's a leader, not a pedestrian.

Does he take the lead in conversations? Does he make decisions without asking you first? Does he go against the grain and do things his own way instead of following the crowd? If so, then it's likely that he is in love with you because he wants to be with someone who can stand on their own two feet and make their own choices rather than being told what to do by others or having their decisions dictated by society at large (or worse yet--other people).


If you're wondering whether or not a guy is in love with you, pay attention to his actions. He should be making plans with you, apologizing when he messes up and meaning it, being open about his feelings despite the risk of rejection or embarrassment. He won't try to control how you feel about him because he understands that love cannot be forced; instead, he'll listen closely when you speak so that he can learn more about what makes each person special individually rather than as part of an "ideal couple." Finally, if all these signs sound like something out of a romance novel then maybe it's time for both parties involved to take some steps towards building something beautiful together!
